Welcome to Guide of the Chakras.
This Guide's Intention is to Level Up Your Awareness of the Chakras!
What is a Chakra? Chakras are energetic spinning disks of energy/energy wheels that reside within each & everyone of us. When our chakra's are balanced & in alignment, our body, mind & soul is in full flow & a more balanced & better experience will result.
You may even have fairly balanced Chakras without even knowing it & by going through these videos & the information of each chakra, you will see if there is any areas within that you may want to look at to balance any given chakra to once again, allow for a better experience.
Some say there are 114 different chakras but there are 7 main chakras that run along your spine. These 7 Chakras from bottom to top are:

Below is further awareness & information of each individual chakra, their roles, how to balance these chakras, symptoms of an unbalanced chakra aswell as foods, essential oils, healing practices & even affirmations to help balance each chakra.
We will start from the Root Chakra & work our way up the spine.
The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is our first Chakra and is located at the base of our spine, near our tailbone. It's role is for basic survival needs which can also translates to financial & emotional security.
When the Root Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to be in your 1 Energy (Numerology) & Divine Masculine Energy. You allow yourself to be secure, grounded & stable aswell as confident and trusting. This chakra balanced will also allow you to face adversity easier.
The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is our second Chakra and is located in our lower abdomen, two inches below our naval & two inches in. It's role is to enrich our creative energy & allow a flowing state of being.
When the Sacral Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to be in your 2 Energy (Numerology) & Divine Feminine Energy. You allow yourself to be nurturing of self which will overflow to others like other things such as compassionate & empathetic. This chakra balanced also promotes self love boundaries.
The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is our third Chakra and is located in our upper abdomen in the stomach area. This Chakra is where self-confidence, identity & personal power are born so basically our gut feeling is here... so always back your gut :)
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to be in your power & be spontaneous which leads to playfulness, self expression & having fun experience.
The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is our fourth Chakra and it's role is to empower your love, kindness & compassion. The meaning of this Chakra is love/passion, joy, acceptance, inner peace, relationships & connectedness.
When the Heart Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to be Divinely Balanced & live in love.
This chakra balanced brings a state of peace within & strength within leading to a strong immune system.
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is our fifth Chakra and it's role is all about truth. It gives you a voice to your personal truths. This chakra let's you speak your truth with clarity. Resting above your heart, your Throat chakra is connected to compassion & love you have for yourself and for others.
When the Throat Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to speak your truth, self express freely & confidently and the ability to be a good listener.
The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is our sixth Chakra and it's role is to open our mind to information beyond the material world & the 5 senses. Extrasensory perception, intuition & psychic energy all come from the Third Eye.
The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is our sixth Chakra and it's role is to open our mind to information beyond the material world & the 5 senses. Extrasensory perception, intuition & psychic energy all come from the Third Eye.When the Third Eye Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to be intuitive/psychic, optimistic & have higher perceptions & awareness. This chakra balanced will also allow you to recall dreams, have good memory & be imaginative.
The Crown Chakra (Sahawara) is our seventh Chakra & is pure bliss consciousness energy. Our own personal consciousness is located in the 7th Chakra but it's really more like the seed of Universal Energy than something personalized or individualized.
When the Crown Chakra is Balanced, you allow yourself to be able to tap into Universal Consciousness & be able to rise above in experiences/situations you may come across. When this chakra is balanced, you will be able to let go of things easier.